Cyber security is the process of protecting devices, network, software and data from corrosive access by malicious actors It includes different tools, technologies, and processes aimed at protecting against threats such as hackers, malware, phishing attacks and ransomware with other cyber-attacks.
Common Cyber Threats:
Malware refers to malevolent programs such as viruses and worms that have destructive impact on systems.
Phishing: fraudulently obtaining sensitive information by claiming to be somebody else through emails or website spoofing.
Ransomware: A form of malware that lockdowns information and after that, requires some kind of compensation for its release.
DDoS Attack: Overload the network with traffic in order to disrupt service.
Thus, cybersecurity protects personal data, financial information, and infrastructures against cybercrime
Essential Elements of Cyber Security:
Network Security — Protects internal networks from outsiders through the use of firewalls, VPNs, and intrusion detection systems among others.
Application Security: It secures software or applications from any vulnerability.
Information Security: Protects Integrity, Confidentiality and Availability of Data
• Endpoint Security: Protects computers, smartphones and tablets from various types of threats.
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: Outline how services will be maintained (or replaced) following a security incident, and the plans for restoring data.
Security training: This is for employees and users to be trained on how to identify and avoid cyber threats.
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